Monday, August 31, 2009

Hello Monday Morning!

No, this isn't my exact kitchen sink this morning, but trust me, its close! Does anyone else feel like the weekend just isn't long enough to get everything done, let alone, keep up with the dishes!! It was a typical weekend full of soccer, football and softball games, shopping for groceries and just relaxing....but dang if it isn't unpleasant to wake up Monday morning and see this waiting for you downstairs....what happened to my bright and brillant parenting that incorporates my children helping with the chores around the house??? Being the "Brady bunch" (six kids- 3 of each- minus coming from different families) what we really need is an Alice...but I know that's never going to happen. Oh well...let the fun begin!!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Joely's 1st day of Kindergarten

My little Joely Elizabeth on her first day of Kindergarten! She is so excited!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Now for the girls!

Here are Josie and Jenna on their first day of school!!! Josie is in 2nd grade this happy that she got the teacher of her choice...Miss Christensen! Jenna is at Learning Dynamics Preschool for the 4 year old program with me...MWF in the afternoons. Joely will start Kindergarten this year, at the end of the week, so I'll have to be sure and post her first day picture or she'll feel left out!!! Cute little them so much!!!

Some pics of the they have grown!

First day of school for Jeremy Spencer--big sixth grader at Lakeview Academy...his last year at the charter year the new Jr. High opens and its goodbye forever to the school uniform..doesn't he remind you so much of Buddy?

Jonah Michael...barely paused for me to take this picture as he was walking out the door for the first day of 8th grade....He is my "Mr. Fashion"...he was so fun this year to shop for...we had to hit the mall of course, but then he discovered Ross and got all his cool namebrand t-shirts for a pretty good deal! What a kid!

Here is my big "man" on his first day at the new High school!! Wouldn't smile to show off that perfect "braces" free smile....but isn't he cute???
He's really got a load this year...2 AP classes and 2 UVU classes that he gets high school and college credit all know what a smarty pants Josh is....I challenged him to graduate valedictorian....I know he can do it!!!
This year is another one of those years with all 6 of the kids in school and all 6 in different schools...Josh at the new Westlake High School in Saratoga Springs...Jonah at Willowcreek Middle school and Jeremy at Lakeview Academy. I love how big they are getting, how smart they are and how much they HATE for me to take their pictures!!!
I'm amazed at how time flew by this summer and now we're back in school! Note to self....enjoy each moment because they come and go too fast!