I am inspired by many people....my sister-in-law Kinsey is the one who constantly inspires me to update my blog! She posts pictures of all the fun and cute activities my niece and nephews are doing...and dang it...I just got the bug to blog!!
So...as you can see from the picture, Jenna lost her first tooth! She pulled it out herself! I came home from work and she told me, "I took a bite of an apple and my loose tooth was hurting, so I did what the lady at the dentist told me to do...I twisted and turned it and it fell out!"
What a cutie! My kids definitely didn't inherit my squeamish-ness! In this picture I can't decide if Jenna looks more like me (in her face) or her grandma Pratt, which we have always thought she favors! I love this little girl! I can't believe my "baby" is six and in first grade!
Other updates...Joshua has been up at the University of Utah and has been really having a good time. He's met some great kids at the Institute and is all done submitting his part of his missionary papers. Now our Bishop does his part and then the Stake President will meet with Josh and submit everything to church HQ. The Stake Pres. said he could get his call within a week and a half! We are excited for this new adventure in Joshua's life...and ours as well. Although I for one, am sad to think my boy will be gone for 2 years...but I'll think about that later (I know...so Scarlett O'Hara...but really maybe she was onto something ha ha).

This is the picture Joshua submitted w/ his mission papers!
The other kids are busy with school and sports and such. Jonah is a sophomore at Westlake this year. He wanted to do the swim team, but we missed it. As a firm believer in him doing SOMETHING...I think I convinced him to take guitar lessons. He inherited an electric bass from his uncle, and I think he's pretty interested. He is old enough to get his permit and is working on that. He has been a big help to me since Joshua is living up at the "U". I've really been impressed at how he has "stepped up" and taken on that role of "oldest".
Jeremy played 8th grade football...and he hated it. Being a girl and not ever having played FB before, Alan informed me that at this age it gets really competitive and the coaches are not at all 'warm and fuzzy!' After going to a few games and observing this for myself, (the coach actually got kicked out of one game for being such a jerk to the referees) I have to agree. Jeremy was quite miserable and ended up missing the last couple of games. He is looking forward to playing basketball as that is what he really loves. I am not at all disappointed he doesn't like football...he's always been my big teddy bear boy, and I'm glad he doesn't have that violent, 'I'll kill you' type attitude that I guess you need to play football.
The girls have been busy playing soccer this fall. Joely played for the 2nd year and Jenna played for the first year. They were so cute. They really love to run and Joely especially loves soccer. Jenna...not so much. She got tired, but she did score a goal! Her coach put her right in front of the goal and everyone on her team had the job of getting the ball to Jenna. It was pretty awesome!
Now for me....I started working part time in the afternoons the end of June as a court clerk in the Justice court in Saratoga Springs. I really like it. Its pretty decent pay and its 10 min from home. Down side is that I'm not here when the kids get home from school...but that's OK b/c my mom is moving in with us!!
I'm actually flying down to Dallas this Friday and I'm driving back with her! We are so excited! It's been a long road getting her here, but we couldn't be more excited!
Look for another post hopefully in a few weeks...about Joshua's mission call!
Love to you all! Have a great Halloween!